Students need to learn leadership skills. Large and small companies and organizations now identify team leadership skills as the number one quality that they look for in the university and college graduates that they hire. However, research has shown that you cannot address the leadership challenges of today’s complex world by reading and discussion alone--you have to experience them. Unfortunately, in most universities and colleges today few students learn the leadership skills that they need to be successful in their future jobs or to serve their churches or communities effectively.
“The most effective leadership programs occur in everyday settings where training and getting things done happen at the same time.”
Springs College has developed 2 programs; a Full-Time Ministry and Leadership program and a Continuing Education Program.
The Full- Time Program combined a biblical, skills-based theoretical framework with hands-on experience to ensure that young potential leaders are given the opportunity to learn how to manage themselves, grow close to God, see beyond the superficial in our world, recognize and value the diverse talents and skills of others, build trusting relationships in teams, manage projects effectively and build positive, high performing teams in a spirit contemporary way.
This program also offers a media production elective for students who have the desire to develop knowledge, skills, and abilities in the areas of audio, video, and multimedia production.
The Continuing Education Program offers 2 evening streams for individuals who want to focus on Leadership Development or Biblical Studies.